Its 2013 and I am a long time player of heroes of might and magic I have looked around a lot for a way to play it on my ipad and when I saw this game being advertised I was excited, but then I played the game, now for some Im sure its a fun game but for someone like me who knows how in depth and amazing the series is I feel its a garbage game like FarmVille. It seam you where a sellout for Facebook instead of makeing your own game. I love heroes and I play it with large groups of friends and to just throw out a crap game like this is very frustrating heroes would be a perfect online/offline game for handhelds for one persone or groups, at partys or waiting for the bus, but to give us something like this. Well theres nothing to work with. I hope one day you will learn from your mistake and go back to makeing great games and not garbage money makers for Facebook.
Long time player
Joshua feller
Humenviper about King's Bounty Legions: Tactics, v1.9.200